Thursday, May 28, 2009

Windsor furnace shelter

14.7 miles, 1213.3 total.
up and on the trail by 7:30. still wet out and the trail is still rocky. over 8 miles to the town of Port Clinton where I took a break. visited the outfitter to lurk around like any good stinky thru hiker. the owners could sense my hunger like the emperor could sense luke skywalker's anger. :) so they gave me two cheeseburgers and an ice cream sandwich. very nice. I, in return, made a couple of purchases and then moved on. had 6 more miles to get to this shelter.
just as I got back on the trail I saw a 4 foot long black snake draped over a log. cool. I was able to snap several pictures before it became annoyed and slithered off. about 1 mile from the shelter I ran into a couple from Philadelphia who were lost and going the wrong way. I pointed them in the right direction and let them study my map for a little while. they were thankful and gave me a bag of starburst candies and an airplane sized bottle of red wine. very nice. red wine with my instant mashed potato/tunafish dinner. I'm the classy hiker now. wow, my wet clothes really stink. I think I'll be without laundry facilities for at least 3 more days. nice and ripe.
here with a group of guys from cincinnati (spelling??) who are hiking with a guy from England.

-- Post From My iPhone