18.8 miles, 1049.5 total.
late start this morning because it was cold. got down to 32 last night. after eating breakfast and packing up, I hit the trail around 9:00.
3 miles into the day there was the original george washington monument. interesting, never heard about this. look it up. it's in Maryland. not sure why.
another big event today...I crossed Interstate 70 and US Highway 40 at their crossing point here in Maryland. why big? for those who don't know, both of those roadways go through my home town of hays, ks. I crossed the bridge with the two kansans I met yesterday. very cool, or not.
this shelter area is named for the really rocky trail that is nearby. we're tenting about .2 miles from the shelter because it's kinda junky and old and there aren't any flat areas closer.
-- Post From My iPhone