20.3 miles, 1013.4 total.
only a few instances I can think of that put one in the situation I was in today. maybe I'm odd...but at mid-morning I was cheering with, high five-ing, congratulating and hugging a complete stranger. that was as we passed the official 1000 mile mark on the trail. in 2 1/2 months I've walked over 1000 miles up the east coast's beautiful Appalachian region. I think it's cool.
received some trail magic, about 7 miles from harpers ferry, from fellow thru hikers who are a day ahead of me - they took the day off to hand out fruit, soda, water, and other goodies to people behind them. very nice.
here in harpers ferry at a hostel tonight. Kandra is scheduled to arrive tomorrow and spend a couple days here with me before I move on. HF is considered the half-way town on the AT. the Appalachian Trail Conservancy has their main office here, and all thru hikers stop there to register and have their picture taken for the official registry. that book is matched up against the Maine registry to get official numbers of successful hikes each year. they also have a scale there. man, I've now lost 31 lbs. don't think I can lose much more. don't have much fat or muscle left. I shaved most of my head and beard in front royal, so maybe that was a few pounds! :)
back in a few days.
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