18.3 miles, 993.1 total.
slept in this morning and didn't get on the trail until 8:30. original plan was to go 15 miles but it became clear early on that I'd be done by 2 or 3, so I decided to go an extra 3+ to get to this infamous hostel that is owned by the Appalachian Trail Conservancy and operated by former thru hikers.
turns out it was a good idea because the hostel is located at a spot on the trail that is about halfway through something called The Rollercoaster. 13.5 miles of trail containing 10 ups and downs of 300 to 500 ft. each, and most of the trail is covered with rocks and tree roots. really rough on the feet and tires you out quickly.
hostel is great. it's located at the top of a mtn. near an overlook spot with loads of boulders and caves. ppl are great here and I'm seeing a lot of hikers I haven't seen in a while. really cool old old stone building that has almost 30 bunks, a common area, laundry facilities, fully stocked kitchen, laetge dining room, computer area and a huge yard - if you want to sleep in your tent instead of inside. looks like I'll make harpers ferry tomorrow after a nice night's rest here.
-- Post From My iPhone