15.1 miles, 1198.6 total.
slept in late today because I was sore and it was still raining. got on the trail around 9:00. mostly the trail was more of the same; jagged rocks. and I haven't even hit the "rocky" part of PA yet. can't wait. my feet, hips, and shoulders still hurt from yesterday's long hike. got to this shelter around 3:30 and decided to call it a day. hanging my stuff so it will dry a little. more rain tonight and tomorrow. everything is wet.
here at the shelter with a 17 yr old kid who calls himself Drop Off. I've heard of him. he says he's from Delaware and his parents dropped him off at the trail in Virginia and told him they would pick him up at the beginning of June in Pennsylvania. they did this to teach him a lesson and respect. ha.
-- Post From My iPhone