Monday, April 20, 2009

war spur shelter

12.7 miles, 657.9 total.
today was awful. one of the worst so far. it took all day to hike 13 miles on relatively flat ground. it rained all morning and sprinkled on and off all afternoon. my left foot is killing me. the back of my shoe was rubbing on my foot constantly today. I was limping the last 4 miles. I want to take these shoes and throw them over a cliff! I guess I'll see if I can do something with them tonight. the back still feels so stiff - like a brand new shoe, but ive been wearing them for almost 2 weeks.
the trail was mostly rocks/boulders today, which caused the slow down and pain. saw several deer and a couple of snakes - one was a small rattler. neato. hope tomorrow is better. also, I'm always hungry now. always. even in the middle of the night. trying to reevaluate my food and how much I carry. this 5-6 day supply has been really heavy, so I need to find food that's lighter weight. next time out I think I have to carry 8 days. that's going to weigh a ton. UNLESS, maybe I can carry 8 days worth of cotton candy!! it's light.
here with d'leader and the karma police. tonight we might finish the awful novel.

-- Post From My iPhone