14.2 miles, 609.3 total.
breaking the 600 mark so quickly after the 500 mark is cool.
left camp before 8:00 this morning so I could take a .4 mile detour to a convenience store to buy more food.
had a 900 foot climb right out of the shelter and then straight down to the hwy where the store is located. was at the store by 10:30, got my groceries and 2 slices of pizza and made it back to the trail by 11:15.
great hike today. the weather was nice and sunny. most of the day I was walking through a pine forest. it was like being on a trail in Colorado. very nice. and smelled amazing. walked by several waterfalls and saw some deer today. got to the shelter a little early but decided not to go on because I will hit pearisburg tomorrow - late. better to rest and be ready for that.
here with scooter and penJ. we've built a fire and are just sitting around reading. very nice evening.
-- Post From My iPhone