16 miles, 507 total.
broke 500 miles today!
please don't sing the bob Dylan version of hurricane when reading this. Erin hates that song!
so cold last night. didn't sleep much. my right shin and both feet hurt. might be the new shoes. ugh. I hate new shoes.
first one out of camp today. walking seemed like the only way to get warm.
got more snow during the night so the trail was difficult to follow for the first 6 miles. It was cold and crusty, icy, and rocky going down the other side of mt rogers. I went through a bunch of large rocky crevices. one was called Fat Man Squeeze. needless to say, I had no problems getting through! FYI - I've lost over 25 pounds since starting the hike!! talk about a great weight loss program. wow.
soon after the squeeze, I turned the corner and there was a dead, frozen (not so wild anymore) pony right on the trail! looks like it tried to get out of the snow and got stuck up in the rocks.
the next section was the grayson highlands where the wild ponies (miniature horses) roam semi-free. they come right up to you. not sure how WILD that is. One can pet and feed them if ONE chooses to. ick. I did pet one and then quickly moved on. terrain was still open and rocky at that point before going back to more of a forest.
my right shin and upper ankle were killing me all day. it's always something out here! the last 5 miles the snow turned to slush and mud and it warmed up about 15 degrees. very nice.
this is a new shelter and it's in excellent condition. here with Canada, Blue, Evergreen, and Presco or Fresco (can't figure out his name). blue has built a great fire and we're planning on staying up late to hang out and talk and see the full moon since it's really nice out for a change.
-- Post From My iPhone