thought today would be an easy 11.5 mile day. wrong. straight up and straight down over jagged rocks and roots. at one point I just sat down and scooted over the rocks because I thought I was going to slide over the edge. the last 2 miles went from about 4700 feet to 1700 feet...mostly straight down, mostly. now I can officially say, my knees hurt. I've got a bunk at a hiker hostel at the outdoor center. not many ppl here because it's still "pre-season" for them. I'm rooming with the 3 guys from new hampshire. turns out one is from N.C. and on a thru hike. I think his trail name is d'leader or daleader. The other 2, from N.H. will leave the trail in a few days at fontana dam. tomorrow will be interesting. first 7 miles are straight up again, back to 5000 feet. not sure how many miles I'll be able to get done after that. also, will be sleeping in the tent most of the time now because it's getting warmer out and is too hot in the shelters. I think I have all my gear issues worked out, now I just need to figure out the food. lightest possible combination with most calories and also easiest to prepare. went across several "peaks" today and an old fire lookout station. cool.

-- Post From My iPhone