ok. second time trying to write this. just randomly lost cell coverage. it's 6 pm and I'm set up in camp relaxing. getting cool and dark. my sister and her family dropped me off at the approach trail this morning at 10:37 (I think I heard one of my nephews report the exact time). I hiked 6.6 miles of the 8.8 approach miles. cheated a little by having them drive up to the top of the falls. I reached the summit of Springer Mtn. at 2 pm on the dot. picture below is of my fat head and the AT plaque at the start of the trail on top of the summit. I hiked another 2.7 to the Stover Creek shelter and campsite. got here at 3:30 and decided to call it a day. met 7 ppl on the trail today including one trail maintainer and one trail watchman/expert. 5 section hikers but no other thru hikers.
was foggy and misty and muddy most of the day, so I didn't see much. although the dominant plant life changed about 3 or 4 times. not many critters to be seen today. my feet and shoulders and hips are already aching, but no blisters or knee problems. yippee i'm on the trail, i can't believe it!!
-- Posted from the trail, L